Sunday, August 21, 2011

How do i add advertisements to my blog (Blogging Guide)

First Let me explain you what is the important of adding a ad or advertisement banner of a 3rd party into your blog.

Adding a advertisement is the main way that you can make money from your blog.
Some people make more than millions of dollars from there blogs using advertisements and it is a best and the most legit way to work at home or earn money online.(see the top 10 blogs in categories)

Now How can you put your 3rd party advertisement in your blog?

Go to; Dashboard > Click Design > then Page Elements section will appear, this is the structure or the skeleton of your blog now > Click Add a Gadget >Then a new window will open in your desktop browser >In the Category Basics Choose HTML/JavaScript  Then click it then a box will appear in upper You can write a short Title > In down you must paste the HTML 3rd party advertisement banner code or text code. I will show you a HTML CODE and what it looks like .
This a HTML code of a Banner Medium Rectangle (300x250)
 <!-- Begin BidVertiser code -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
<noscript><a href="">xml search</a></noscript>
<!-- End BidVertiser code -->
This code is looks like this, If you click this banner or a text link i can earn from them, if you are a USA citizen i can get $1 to $5 from a one click.

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